Final Year Project (ongoing)
Product Design


A sex education product that talks to young adults on their level
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The Problem
The RSE Education System in Northern Ireland falls short when it comes to dealing with the emotional aspects of sex.
The Solution
A mobile app with a paired card game that fosters an open-minded discussion on topics such as consent, safe sex and identity.
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User Insights
This product came about when I was researching for my dissertation which was all about how technology has affected the sex culture within Gen Z. In having conversations with friends, we all had one common thread between our sex education experience in school - it was completely inadequate. A lot of young people are scared to talk about tricky subjects such as consent as there is so much conflicting information online, so I wanted to get more insight into how people felt about their sex education experience, and what was done well or poorly.
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Solving the Issue
Based off my user survey and user interviews I conducted, I created 4 different user personas. I found that young adults can have completely different goals when it comes to sex education, so this allowed me to create user journeys and identify pain points and motivations for each user archetype, so that my final product will create a positive experience for all my users.
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Brand Guidelines
Joni's branding uses a combination of type that is full of character along with a colourful palette to create a brand that feels modern and fresh. The current curriculum design feels outdated and dull, and I wanted to turn the idea of sex ed being a class to dread into something fun and engaging.
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What's Next?
My final step in the discovery process was doing a card sorting activity, where I tested how users expect topics to be grouped together. After this, I moved into my lofi prototype. My next tasks are creating the design system, final app prototype and card game; the project will be completed in May.
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