University Project
UI/UX Design


Helping people seek adequate gender-affirming healthcare
View Prototype
View Prototype
The Problem
Seventy percent of 697 TransActual survey respondents said they had experienced transphobia while trying to access general healthcare. With long waiting times, shortage of services and lack of understanding and education, people seeking gender-affirming care are left feeling unaccommodated within healthcare settings.
The Solution
An app used by patients as well as healthcare providers where medication, therapy, and appointments can be tracked in a convenient and welcoming format.
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The Discovery Phase
I conducted a survey for my target audience to help me in the development of the app, identifying problems and opportunities for improvement. From these findings I created profiles to design with my user in mind.

My main findings included:

  • Majority of people have avoided seeking healthcare because of inadequacies
  • Service could be improved by speeding up waiting time and having practitioners become more knowledgable and take the issue seriously
  • Users would benefit from features such as booking appointments and finding doctors and therapists
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Think Like the User
From my research I created two main user personas to help me create my prototype with my users in mind. By creating a healthcare seeking persona as well as a health practitioner persona, I was able to determine necessary features and define user flows. I then created a user journey map to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.
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Establishing the Brand
To create user delight as well as establish Gencare as a reputable and trustworthy product, I created brand guidelines to be used within the app.
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Developing the Product
I created lofi wireframes to determine the layout and flow of the app before beginning UI design.. The app allows users to easily access medication dosage information, schedule appointments with practitioners, and receive reminders of upcoming appointments. The message feature allows them to stay in touch with practitioners for updates or queries, and they can check for clinics near their location.
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